Monday, October 23, 2017

A Lovely Sight I Almost Missed...

I was surprised to find this splendid Monarch butterfly on Bradford Street.

Hurrying to beat the clock on Saturday afternoon, I was headed for the farmers market before they closed. On the way there I noticed there was someone ahead of me on the street, bent over with her cell phone out.
She was taking a picture, so as I walked by I looked to see what she had spotted. If I hadn't seen her stopped at the edge of Bradford Street, or had hurried by half a minute later, I would have walked right past this little flower bed, and missed this truly gorgeous butterfly.
Luckily, I didn't let being in a hurry stop me from observing what was there for me, and I took just the tiniest moment to enjoy the lovely sight the planet was offering to anyone paying attention.
It seemed a little odd to find this elegant butterfly in PTown just now, slurping up nectar from flowers freshly budding, just as the chill of this brilliant autumn weather has us all digging out our woolly socks and sweaters once again, but still not quite ready to pack away our shorts and sandals.
And whadda ya know? Amid these new flower buds there stood a daffodil (at this time of year!?!) that I almost missed, because it was exactly the same sunny yellow color as these mums that surrounded it.
Every day, Provincetown presents us with hundreds of jewels large and small, scattered all through the town by the fistfuls. Watch for them out on the beaches, or right on the streets. Stop and smell the roses, as it were. Listen for the sounds of hundreds of bird species stopping here on their migrations, bringing us new bird calls you may never have heard before. Taste a wild cranberry while you're biking/hiking/strolling through the low spots in the forests and dunes...
There are a couple of gazillion ways to find a little treat for yourself on any day spent in Provincetown, whether you come upon a stirring sight, have a little taste of something wild, catch a captivating scent wafting by, happen into an encounter with the myriad wildlife surrounding us... or stumble across a butterfly and a daffodil showing up way out of season.
Any or all of these can be yours any day here, simply for paying attention. 

Friday, October 6, 2017

Bike Around Provincetown in the Calm of the Autumn Season

Even though they had a car, Aaron and David  rented bicycles while in PTown.  

The other day I met two men who were on a quick, mini vacation in Provincetown, packing in as much as they could in a brief trip. David has been visiting us for about 20 years, while this is Aaron’s first time here, so David had all kinds of things he wanted Aaron to see, and do, and taste.
They made the rounds over the short time they had to spend here, having escaped Los Angeles for a very quick trip. They had a car at their disposal while here, but decided to rent bicycles, for the ease of getting around by bike to spots they wanted to visit, and for the sheer enjoyment of pedaling their way from one end of town to the other in this dazzling weather we’re having.
They drove up to Provincetown Bike Rentals (which is just finishing its new parking lot for their customers,) rented a couple of beautiful new bikes, and drove off with them! Ah, but there was method to their madness…They drove to the Far West End of Provincetown (perhaps they were staying somewhere in that neighborhood,) and that’s where their adventure began.
The Breakwater is among PTown's most popular walking spots.
They started out at the Breakwater, the famous granite jetty in the Far West End, hiking the mile-and-a-quarter length of it across the harbor and wetlands out to the shifting sands of Long Point, and that fabulous view.
Once back on terra firma following their hike, they biked out into a bit of the lovely Cape Cod National Seashore, past the saltwater pond that rises with the tide, then pedaled up toward the Far East End.
From there, they made stops all around the town. They even spent some time with horses belonging to a friend, visiting Provincetown’s last remaining bit of pasture. They were packing in the adventures on this trip.
On previous visits, David had ridden all of the various spurs that make up nearly eight miles of gorgeous paved bike trails in PTown, but the two decided that on this trip, with their time here limited, that they would concentrate on exploring the town itself, and showing Aaron around.
These two gentlemen covered an impressive area, visiting a good number of spots during their brief stay, and it was all that much easier navigating the town by bicycle rather than on foot or by car. Aaron says he’ll definitely be back, and plans next time to hit the bike trails, which will be waiting for him.
They managed to visit restaurants all around the town as well; again, easier by bicycle. They commented on great meals they had found, particularly several dishes at the Lobster Pot, the huge lobster roll at Bayside Betsy’s, and the Mayflower’s clam chowder, along with their spaghetti and meatballs.
Bradford Natural Market has great food to take out or eat in.
I met them when they sat down at an outdoor table to gobble down a quick lunch at 141 Bradford Natural Market. Aaron loved his authentic Cuban sandwich, served hot off the Panini grill, and David raved about his Thai Peanut Chicken.
I was there picking up a few groceries and having a little something from their daily hot food bar, having lunch on a welcoming bench in front of the market. I was enjoying the glorious sunshine and a meal I hope to have again sometime. The White Beans with Tarragon over Jasmine Rice was soooo good that I’ll be writing about it shortly.
I had seen the guys pedal up to check in their bikes with Mike, who owns Provincetown Bike Rentals, at 136 Bradford Street, right across from the market. Easy as pie, they were in and out in mere moments, and then they dashed across the road for some food, having just an hour left in Provincetown to eat something, pack their stuff, catch the three o’clock ferry to Boston, and then their plane back to LA.
We chatted a bit between delectable mouthfuls, and then they were off, having had a remarkable, whirlwind, mini vacation in Provincetown, made all the better with a fun, convenient bike rental, this gorgeous weather we’ve been having, and some great food throughout the town.
If you’re planning a visit to Provincetown, consider renting a bike to get around. The Bay State Ferry from Boston extended their schedule by an extra couple of weeks or so this year, so there’s still time, if you’re quick, to get here and enjoy this beautiful fall weather and your own adventure, pedaling around PTown in the serenity of the autumn season. Come join us!