Renowned Provincetown Artist Sol Wilson's painting of the Church of Saint Mary of the Harbor hangs in its hallway at 517 Commercial Street, in PTown's East End |
The cold winds and raw weather we often have in the winter can keep people indoors, adding to the isolation many of us feel during the off-season. When the streets are empty of the enormous crowds of summer visitors, when that chilling wind from the north rattles our windows, and when most of us have no job to get us out of the house every day, we can tend to lead rather solitary lives, sometimes not leaving our homes for several days, or longer. We sometimes tend to go without much human contact during the long winter season, and that can leave us feeling down a bit, maybe a little lonely, or sometimes downright depressed.
Every winter, each Saturday during January and February, you'll hear live music in the East End of town, spilling out of the doors of the Church of Saint Mary of the Harbor, along with the smell of a delicious repast being served by volunteers and enjoyed by several dozen of us who have ventured out to share a meal. Various musicians come to join us, playing instruments like the piano, violin, banjo or guitar, and sometimes all of these, while guests enjoy the food, the company and the music. Saint Mary's has hosted this free community luncheon for 22 winters, providing a social gathering place, a nice dinner, and the warmth of companionship set against the majesty of Provincetown's spectacular harbor.
All are welcome, with no reservations required. See you at noon on Saturday as we have one last meal together for the season, and thank all those who have helped in putting on these wonderful community luncheons over the years.
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