Wednesday, August 29, 2012

PTown Residents and Visitors Venture out Despite a Bit of Rain

A little rain doesn't stop us from getting out and about in Provincetown. These folks are strolling the breakwater in the West End despite the off-and-on rain on this August afternoon. We tend not to listen too much to the predictions of the weather man, and since most TV weather is reported for the shoreline of Boston, most of the predictions really don't have much to do with us. Provincetown sits about 25 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by deep water, which often changes the weather as it rolls over us. The majority of the time when rain is predicted several days in advance, it usually dissipates by the time it reaches us, or it goes to the north or south as it gets nearer, most often missing us, or sometimes just nicking us with a few drops of rain, as on this day when a major storm had been predicted long in advance.
 In Provincetown we stick our collective head out of the window,  and if it comes in dry, we go out. If it comes in wet, we put on a jacket, and go out. We don't let a little rain stop us from enjoying the day. Watch for an upcoming blog post about a number of rainy day activities, shops, museums and other attractions to enjoy even in a real downpour, which doesn't really happen here all that often.

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